Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Motion Demo

At first I was quite intimidated for this demo; I thought that it would be a lot more difficult than it actually was. I had to learn about what the time delay from the camera and also how to pan the camera to get the effect of the subject in focus and a blurry background.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Macro Assignment

Technical Data:
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: 3.4
ISO: 400

For this assignment I decided to do macro. I first took some photos outside at millpond of the ice and snow, however I got cold and decided to finish the rest at home. It was interesting to find how many objects can actually be used for macro and at the same time be interesting. My favorite things to shoot were my shoes and a weird bouncy ball.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Shooting Assignment #2 Inspiration

For my second assignment I decided to do macro. Now that I understand how the camera works a little bit better I am looking forward to being able to use that knowledge to tackle this new project.

These are a couple of photos that I found to be inspirational.

Dandelion seed head with water droplets
by: Bahman Farzad

Fork in water
by: Andrew @ CubaGallery

The photos above are all out of the box and to me that's what make them stand out. I hope to be able to make my photos the fruit loops in a world full of cheerios.

Photoshop Assignment #2 Car Retouch

This was our second photoshop assignment. We had to retouch a picture of a car making changes such as blacking out the background, getting rid of some of the glare of the lights and tinting the windshield. I know that I'm just beginning to touch on what photoshop has to offer and I'm already impressed. Just within this assignment I learned about layering a photo, adjusting the level of a photograph, and use a variety of tools such as the lasso. Below are the before and after pictures for this assignment.

Monday, January 23, 2012

People Assignment

For this assignment I decided to do people. I took photos of one of my best friends who is a dancer. For the first section of photos I used my half finished addition on my house as the background and then later we went to Millpond. It was a good experience to be able to play around with the different composition elements while not actually focusing on one.

For my best photo above the technical data was:
Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec
ISO: 400
Fstop: f/4

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pop Art Assignment

In this assignment we used photoshop for the first time to alter an image with a pop art affect. We changed the hue on each of the four copies to a different setting. The result is the image above. The image is of some of my old team members. I learned quite a bit of new information about photoshop in the process and i know that I have barley begun to go beneath the surface. I look forward to using photoshop more in the future even though it is frustrating sometimes.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Shooting Assignment #1 Inspiration

For my first assignment I am choosing the category of people. Although it is a topic of endless subjects I hope to be able to capture the essence that each and every person gives off in their own individual way. I am also looking forward to being able to play around with the new elements of composition that I have recently learned about.

These are a couple photos that I found inspirational.

Guy on the subway by Koke 

Little girl at the beach by Jytte Jenson

I believe that these are great pictures for the category of people as they are both a random moment that was captured in time. They tell a story about the person featured. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Myers Composition Assignment

Eleven photos taken to learn about the elements of composition with the "rule of thirds", pattern, symmetry, texture, depth of field, lines, framing, perspective, space, balance, and color.

Photo #1 - "rule of thirds" - tree during sunset
Photo #2 - pattern - candles
Photo #3 - symmetry - piano keys
Photo #4 - texture - stairway 
Photo #5 - depth of field - bench seats outside by athletic entrance
Photo #6 - lines - crayon clock
Photo #7 - framing - wooden doors and a wreath
Photo #8 - perspective - toy
Photo #9 - space - globe
Photo #10 - balance - decorative chandelier thing
Photo #11 - color - stain glass window

From this assignment I learned about composing a photograph and the many elements that are involved including those listed above. Before this assignment I knew a few of these elements such as the "rule of thirds", symmetry, color, etc. from my black and white photography class last year. However, I also stumbled across a few that were unfamiliar like framing, space, and balance. Framing is used to highlight the main point of interest in the photo and gives the image depth creating a more 3d picture. Space is filling the photo of the frame using zoom, but also leaving room to breath in order to not crowd the photo. Balance is when a picture holds a second point of interest to balance out the main point. Besides the elements used in composition I also had to learn the basic workings of a mac computer  (prefer dell!!!) and the programs used to organize, edit and show my pictures.